Living in the Future Present

2 min readFeb 18, 2024

That day is today

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Most of us believe that our past experiences dictate who we are and what we’re destined to become. Every day, you wake up and tell yourself, “I’m meant to be alone,” or “I’m the person who never earns enough,” or you fill in the blank with some other limiting belief. These thoughts shape your daily experience; you feel the loneliness, the lack, and continue living and dreaming within these limitations.

But consider this… what if you started living and thinking like your future-self today? What if you began acting, embracing, and feeling the way your ideal person or situation would? Imagine the transformation if you faced each day with the mindset and behaviors of the person you aspire to be.

  • What would that person think on a daily basis?
  • What opportunities would that person be on the lookout for?
  • How would they feel?
  • What type of information would they consume?
  • What are they learning, and what skills are they acquiring?
  • What type of people would they have conversations with?

Stop waiting for some future event to initiate change; stop living in the current reality, and start accessing the potential of life.

Remember: You’re not confined to your current circumstances; you’re already on the path to your desired future. So, take action and make it a reality.

Photo Credit Quote Fancy




Inspiration from the stories of others. Crafting narratives through physics, sound, human behavior. Aiming to inspire individuals. Navigate owns paths in life.