A Battle With Distraction

1 min readDec 31, 2023

Focus, Focus, Fo…

Photo Credit to Unsplash

Don’t let ‘devices’ dictate what you think and how you live. Focus on living the present moment, on experiencing life moment by moment. If you consume what everyone consumes, you will think what everyone thinks, and you won’t have any original ideas.

Everything these days it’s so fast, that we’ve forgotten to observe, we don’t know who we are, we don’t know what living feels like…

Remember the story of the fish?
Two young fish are asked by an older fish, “How’s the water?” and one young fish turns to the other and says, “what the hell is water?” by David Foster Wallace

Don’t be the young fish.

It is when you set aside your distractions that you begin to see what you were distracting yourself from.

This ocean was long before you, I thought, and it will be there long after your small concerns are forgotten. Social Media makes you that the whole world is obsessed with you and your little ego — it loves you, it hates you, it’s talking about you right now. The ocean makes you feel like the world is greeting you with a soft, wet, indifference. It’s never going to argue back, no matter how loud you yell.




Inspiration from the stories of others. Crafting narratives through physics, sound, human behavior. Aiming to inspire individuals. Navigate owns paths in life.